Monday, July 27, 2009

Dead Police Officers Upset Over Obama Presidency

I'm having trouble understanding Mr. Richard Cohen, the guest on Bill O'Reilly's program tonight. He is commenting on the Lou Dobbs story, and is upset that CNN won't fire Lou Dobbs, that right-wing nutjob, who claims that some people are claiming Obama wasn't born in the United States. Note, that they are not saying that Dobbs himself thinks that Obama wasn't born in the U.S., only that he's reporting that others make that claim. (Dobbs says that he believes Obama is a U.S. citizen.)

In the course of the conversation, Mr. Cohen claims that this is all about race. Lou Dobbs is promoting racial bigotry by reporting the story. He then said that there are "dead police officers in Pittsburg and dead police officers in Florida who are upset over the Obama presidency."

Oh really?

Did I hear that right? Let me back up the DVR and see if I heard that correctly.

Yep. Dead police officers are upset.

Gee. How does he know? If they are dead, how are they communicating with Mr. Cohen?

O'Reilly either didn't catch it, or decided to let it go, but that's what the guy said. Dead Police officers are upset over the Obama presidency.

You heard it here, first.

... Unless you were watching O'Reilly.

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