Monday, July 20, 2009

Support for ObamaCare Drops; Deadline Moved

In his most recent remarks, Obama has stopped mentioning what had been his mantra - that congress pass a health care reform bill by the August recess. Instead, he is now issuing a less specific call to action.

The increased flexibility follows resistance by key senators in both parties to what they have called an "artificial deadline." The White House denies this. An unnamed aid said the president isn't letting up. "No change in the timeline," said the aide. Obama's insistence on an August deadline is likely for two reasons: (1) to take advantage of concerns over the "economic crisis" and to use his political capital in dealing with that crisis, and (2) to not give anyone, senators, representatives, the press and political "enemies", time to read the details in the bill.

But prodding in Congress in speeches on his top legislative priorities on Friday and Saturday omitted the August deadline. Friday, Obama said only that promised health care reform would "happen this year." He ignored a reporter's question about pushing back his goal of having a bill before the recess.

Concerns have risen on Capitol Hill on how to pay for Obamacare. The long term impact of the proposal has been leaking out and resonating with voters. One poll has support for Obama's version of health care reform falling below 50% for the first time since before the election last November.

While this does not bode well for Obama, Biden and other leftists committed to taking over as much of the free market economy as they can, it does bode well for American taxpayers and business owners, not to mention folks now standing in unemployment lines.

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