Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Islam Is as Islam Does

I just ran across another article by a bleeding-heart liberal who described the Fort Hood terrorist as a "lone nut" who had difficulty adjusting to military life. His actions, of course, had nothing to do with the co-incidental fact that his religion was Islam. Islam is, according this this article and an increasingly loud majority of liberals, an inherently peaceful religion and we have nothing to fear from it.

As far as I'm concerned, Islam is as Islam does. Apart from the Islamic Terrorist Traitor Major, over 14,000 other acts of terrorism have been committed in the name of this "peaceful religion" since 9/11 with countless thousands of deaths and injuries as a result.

There is no radical Islam. There is no Fundamentalist Islam. There is no Terrorist Islam. There is just Islam, and those who misunderstand the religion are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims who may not overtly support terrorism, but who covertly support it by nurturing, protecting and covering up the more active brothers and sisters amongst them.

Our leaders continually hammer away at the idea that America is not at war with Islam. While that is true, perhaps we should be, and we should make it official. It may be the only way we will all be safe.

Islam is a belief based on hate and grievance and likes to portray itself as a victim while itself victimizing others and victimizing even its own. Kind of like liberalism.

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