Monday, November 9, 2009

Terrorism or Simply Murder?

Anyone remember when abortion doctor George Tiller was murdered? It hasn't been that long ago. Everyone, particular the left, was quick to call the murder a "terrorist act." It wasn't, really.

The difference between Tiller's murder and terrorism? Terrorism seeks to terrorize other people by randomly killing as many innocent victims as possible. Murder, generally speaking, targets a specific individual for a specific reason.

Granted, some murders are seemingly "random." By their nature, someone who robs a store and shoots the witnesses is committing what most of us would describe as a random act of violence. Someone dies because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. But even in this case, the killer is killing specific people (witnesses) for a specific purpose (to not identify him).

In the Tiller case, the murder targeted Tiller, not random victims for a specific reason... he killed babies and was going to continue to get away with it because of the sham show-trial put on by the State of Kansas and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Fast forward to last week.

A muslim extremist in the military goes on a shooting rampage killing as many soldiers as he can in a small space. A few of these people are people he knows, but many are not. He shoots as many as 100 rounds killing and wounding some forty people.

The left and the Teleprompter-in-Chief are quick to say this may not be terrorism.

? ? ?

How is this NOT terrorism? Can anyone explain that to me?

Yes, Hasan may have had mental issues. Do we think that all of the suicide bombers from the middle east are well adjusted citizens? Yes, he was under some stress? Aren't we all?

The fact is, Hasan disagreed with the United States and its policies (even under the Peaceful Kenyan Muslim in the White House) and planned to take out and "terrorize" as many soldiers as he could.

Now, of course, one could argue that he did, in fact, target specific people. Soldiers. So that they wouldn't go over and kill his "Muslim Brothers." While that may or may not be the case, this is different than my previous example. The robber in the store kills witnesses so that they won't identify him. Hasan isn't going to change U.S. policy or prevent the deaths of a single "Muslim Brother" by killing U.S. soldiers. He's merely trying to terrorize the U.S. military.

Why is this important? For a couple of reasons. First, last week, we witnessed the worst terrorist act on U.S. soil since 9-11. We can't even get the administration and the media to admit it was a terrorist act. They are trying to justify it. "He was crazy; He was under stress; He was blah, blah, blah." The left wants to deny that there are Muslim Extremists Terrorist on U.S. soil this very minute. Doing so places us all in extreme danger.

Second, we need to get rid of this political correctness movement surrounding Islam. Our government (even under Bush) and the media continue to try to portray Islam as some peaceful love-fest singing Kum-By-Yah around a campfire while handing out flowers and embracing the world, but containing a small rag-tag group of fringe members that are violent. At the same time, they demonize Christianity as harmful to the American way of life. This perception is growing on the vast throng of uninformed independents and left leaning citizens in our country. This very perception threatens our freedoms.

It may seem like I'm over-blowing this issue. Perhaps I am. But it seems to me that as long as we head in the direction we are heading, the muslim extremists will win and the rest of us will lose our freedoms, if not our very lives.

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