Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Perspective on Reid's Racist Comments

These comments are a week or so old, but I just ran across it. (Yes, I'm behind in my reading.) Likely, some of you have already read them. In case you hadn't, it's an excerpt from a blog by Ann Coulter (who is seldom wrong on anything) and it puts a humorous, but painfully accurate twist on the revelation that Harry Reid made blatantly racist comments about Barack Obama while at the same time insulting the American electorate by accusing us all of being racist ....

As long as we're mulling the real meaning of Reid's words and not just gasping in awe at the sorts of things Democrats get away with saying, I think Reid owes America an apology for accusing the entire country of racism. A country, let us note, that just elected a manifestly unqualified, at least partially black man president.

On the other hand, Reid couldn't have been expecting Republicans to vote for a Democrat, so I gather Reid was accusing only Democratic voters of being racists.

I don't disagree with that, but I'd like to get it in writing.

I think the Democratic platform should include a statement that the Democrats will not vote for dark-skinned blacks with a Negro dialect. Check with Harry Reid on the precise wording, but something along the lines of "no one darker than Deepak Chopra."

The "whereas" clauses can include the Democrats' history of supporting slavery, segregation, racial preferences, George Wallace and Bull Connor -- and also a precis of their treatment of dark-skinned Clarence Thomas.

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