Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Obama on Scott Brown

Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their official spokesmen have an explanation for the election of Scott Brown.

Republican Scott Brown was elected in the heavily democratic state of Massachusetts over democrat Martha Coakley because ... get this .... people are angry and frustrated over the 8 years of Republican President George W. Bush.

Yes, you heard that right, Obama blamed, once again, 8 years of the Bush presidency for, not only everything that has gone wrong since the year 2000, including me losing a pair of socks the other day, but the Bush Presidency also makes people SO ANGRY that they want to vote for more Republicans.

Now, to be fair, actually the official spin from the White House and other liberals, is that there is a general anti-incumbancy mood. The electorate is still unhappy with unemployment, "evil banks and other corporations" and the business as usual attitude in Washington that any incumbent in the coming year is very likely to lose his or her seat.

Of course, there is one little, tiny fact that they are overlooking.....

Martha Coakley isn't an incumbent.

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