The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Health Care and the Constitution
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Earthquake and the Constitution
Thursday, February 18, 2010
UN learns of Iran's plans to build Nuclear Warhead
The AP is reporting today that the UN believes Iran is developing a nuclear warhead. Thank goodness, they've picked up on the news that has been common knowledge since two years before Bush left office. Here is the story:
The U.N. nuclear agency on Thursday said it was worriedIran may currently be working on making a nuclear warhead, suggesting for the first time that Tehran had either resumed such work or never stopped at the time U.S. intelligence thought it did.
The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency appeared to put the U.N. nuclear monitor on the side of Germany, France, Britain andIsrael. These nations and other U.S. allies have disputed the conclusions of a U.S. intelligence assessment published three years ago that said Tehran appeared to have suspended such work in 2003.
The U.S. assessment itself may be revised and is being looked at again by American intelligence agencies. While U.S. officials continue to say the 2007 conclusion was valid at the time, they have not ruled out the possibility that Tehran resumed such work some time after that.
Of course, now we have Obama in office, so nothing bad will happen to us. He's made us safer now than at any time in human history.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
One Year Ago, He Saved the Economy
For the first time in my adult life [yes, h/t MO], I am convinced that we have a President who sees capitalism and markets as the enemy. There is no other explanation for the hyperbolic rhetoric Obama has used to create a sense of economic crisis far in excess of reality. We are in a recession, but as others have documented extensively, to compare the current economy to the Great Depression is damaging.
There's an old saying on Wall Street that a bear market has not bottomed out until the last bull capitulates. News flash. The last bull has capitulated. Me....
I hope I'm selling at the bottom, because that will mean the markets and the country will have recovered from the worst economic policies since the Great Depression.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
More Tebow Ad Controversy
Monday, February 8, 2010
Super(bowl) Ad
Friday, February 5, 2010
Racist Sign at NBC?

How do you suppose people would respond if the above sign were posted "in honor of Black History Month" in our schools, homes or place of business?
The Stimulus is Working
Quote of the Day
"Olbermann? He's about as popular as syphilis."
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Approprate Response from Ace of Spades
I'm going to do something I don't normally do. I'm going to link to an article with a considerable amount of profanity and references to sexual acts.
Why would I do that? Well, Ace of Spades has a hilarious article in response to a blog by Andrew Sullivan. Sullivan is an extreme leftist/communist homosexual who berates anyone who does not agree with him. Recently, Sullivan wrote (yet another) scathing article castigating Sarah Palin for, among other things, naming her child Trig.
I don't typically like to link to articles containing this kind of language and references. However, the Ace response is appropriate given the tenor of Sullivan's original piece. Yes, Ace stoops low. But it's probably the only language the leftist chistianophobes really understand.
Here is the link, and a sampling from the article....
Again, Andrew Sullivan demonstrates his extreme ignorance about all things reproductive. It utterly fails to crack his Blue Event Horizon of Stupid that mothers must care for young children at all hours a day. Especially if they're breastfeeding, which I am guessing Governor Palin is.
This doesn't even occur to him.
What does Dr. Andrew Sullivan, noted child psychologist recently called "just like Dr. Benjamin Spock, except fat and with a beard and rawmuscleglutes," think mothers do with their 2-year-old children when they need to venture out of the home? Drop them off at Kinko's? Stick them into hypersleep capsules a la Alien?
What? What happens to this kid when Palin is working, in Sullivan's mind? Does he imagine the kid has a hibernate switch like his computer
Quote of the Day
Make Your Day Brighter
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
You Lie
President Obama's misplaced budget priorities may be the result of his misdiagnosing the cause of the deficits. During his State of the Union speech, the President asserted that "by the time I took office, we had a one-year deficit of over $1 trillion and projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next decade. Most of this was the result of not paying for two wars, two tax cuts, and an expensive prescription drug program."
This is simply not true.
The policies mentioned by President Obama were implemented in the early 2000s. Yet even with all those policies in place, the 2007 budget deficit stood at only $162 billion. The trillion-dollar deficits did not begin until 2009 (driven by financial bailouts, stimulus, and declining revenues) as the recession hit its trough.
And the policies mentioned by the President certainly could not be responsible for most of the trillion-deficits over the next decade, given that most war spending will phased out by then and the tax cuts and Medicare drug benefit are expected to cost a combined 2 percent of GDP over the next decade--even as the baseline budget deficit rises past 8 percent of GDP.
Still, it is hypocritical of Obama to rail about ANY deficit spending under the Bush administration, when his own policies will create more debt than has been created by all of the presidents who held office before him ... combined.
Spending America Into Oblivion
From American Spectator (
By Peter Ferrara on 2.3.10 @ 6:08AM
At the invitation of the Republicans, President Obama spoke at the Republican retreat last Friday. During the following Q & A, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas rose to ask the final question: "You are soon to submit a new budget, Mr. President. Will that new budget, like your old budget, triple the national debt and continue to take us down the path of increasing the cost of government to almost 25 percent of our economy."
Rep. Hensarling's statements regarding President Obama's budget last year, supported by almost every Democrat, including those supposedly fiscal conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats, were completely accurate, taken directly from the analysis of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). That 25% of our economy refers only to the cost of the federal government. State and local government adds over 50% more, increasing the total cost of government in America to almost 40% of GDP already.
But President Obama responded as if the question were completely illegitimate, saying, "I've just got to take this last question as an example of how it's very hard to have the kind of bipartisan work that we're going to do, because the whole question was structured as a talking point for running a campaign."
On Monday, President Obama publicly submitted his new budget. That budget forthrightly answers Rep. Hensarling's question, even though President Obama would not in the light of a national TV broadcast. President Obama's own budget confesses that it would more than triple the national debt from $5.8 trillion at the end of 2008 to $18.6 trillion by 2020.
Indeed, it would almost double the national debt in just four years from 2008, to $11.5 trillion in 2012. The budget also confesses that under President Obama's first three years, 2009-2011, the federal government will borrow over $4.2 trillion. As the Wall Street Journalreported last week, "That is more than the entire accumulated national debt for the first 225 years of U.S. history."
During the glorious 2008 campaign for hope and change, then candidate Obama harshly criticized George Bush for running $3.3 trillion in deficits over his eight years in office. But President Obama's new budget confesses that he will run up that much in deficits in just two years and three months. Moreover, as Brian Riedl of the Heritage Foundation reported on Monday, "President Obama would run up more debt over his eight years than all other Presidents in American history -- from George Washington to George Bush -- combined."
But at the Republican retreat, when he was on national television, President Obama refused to take responsibility for any of this. Further responding to Rep. Hensarling, who had said, "what were the old annual deficits under Republicans became the monthly deficits under Democrats," President Obama said that "had nothing to do with anything we had done." He went on to repeat basically what he had said during his State of the Union Address earlier in the week, "By the time I took office, we had a one year deficit of over $1 trillion and projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next decade. Most of this was the result of not paying for two wars, two tax cuts, and an expensive prescription drug program."
Heritage's Riedl corrected President Obama on Monday, saying, "This is simply not true. The policies mentioned by President Obama were implemented in the early 2000s. Yet even with all those policies in place, the 2007 budget deficit stood at only $162 billion."
President Obama's budget admits a federal deficit for 2010 of $1.6 trillion, ten times as much as that 2007 deficit of $162 billion, which was the deficit for the last budget adopted by Republican Congressional majorities. This was where Hensarling got his statement that the annual deficits under the Republicans had become the monthly deficits under the Democrats, to which President Obama wrongly responded, "that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true."
But the truth is that President Obama's $1.6 trillion deficit for 2010 is the largest in world history, rising still more from last year's record $1.4 trillion deficit. And this record 2010 deficit assumes continued record low interest rates this year on our gargantuan national debt. If interest rates rise, then federal spending and deficits will explode still further due to interest costs on that debt. The Obama budget already projects that net interest spending will soar to $840 billion by 2020, more than four times current levels.