Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The POTUS Dog and Pony Show

The following is from Michelle Malkin:

Because we haven’t seen Barack Obama campaigning enough on TV the past two weeks, the White House broadcast his meeting with the Senate Democratic Policy Committee Issues Conference this morning.

The audio stream is here if you are just dying to hear him and aren’t near a boob tube.

The event was a dog-and-pony show with the majority’s most vulnerable Senators — Arlen Specter, Michael Bennet, Blanche Lincoln, Evan Bayh — getting hand-picked by Harry Reid to ask “tough” questions (Will you join me in this? Sign on to that? Etc. Etc.).

At one point, President Obama started trashing “cable TV” again, reports Brian Stelter. Obama singled out Fox and CNN and told the Senators in the audience to turn the TVs off and stop watching the “echo chamber.”

After 5 minutes, I reached for the remote control and took Obama’s advice.

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