Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Tebow Ad Controversy

This would actually be funny, if it weren't so sick and twisted.

Pro-Abortion groups, such as the NOW gang, have been looking for ways to criticize the Tebow/Focus on the Family Ad since they first heard it was going to air. Unable to see the ad, their initial criticism was focused on its "anti-choice" message.

Well, as you know from my previous post, we've now seen the ad and there is nothing objectionable in the ad at all. No "anti-choice" message. Just a pro-family, charming little scene.

But wait. Maybe there is something to criticize.

Let me ask you this: When you first saw the ad, was your response "I can't believe they would promote violence against women like that!"?

I didn't think so. I don't think that was the first response of the NOW gang, either. Still that is the approach they are taking. They are trying (unsuccessfully, I might ad) to convince people that the ad promotes domestic violence.

Frankly, I'll bet they were all sitting in a room with a TIVO or DVR and had to go back and watch the ad about 328 times to come up with that.

Imagine the setting: Angry, Ugly, pro-abortion women sitting around trying to find some way to criticize this ad. Finally, after hours and hours of watching the ad over and over, one of them says "HEY! I've GOT it! We can say it's promoting violence against women!"

"Are you kidding? Nobody in their right mind would ever fall for that."

"Sure. Look, they fell for Obama, didn't they? They believed he'd be a moderate. They fell for the stimulus package, didn't they? They'll buy it, I'm telling you!"

"Well..... maybe ..... nah."

Laughter around the table.

"Anybody got any better ideas?"


"Okay, domestic violence, it is."

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