Thursday, March 25, 2010

An Incoherent Rant

This is not a post. This is not a logical argument. This is not a "political statement."

This is an incoherent rant.

I'm angry. Angry and frustrated.

People, we don't live in the United States of America, anymore. We live in the People's Socialist Republic of Amerika.

Earlier this week, our civil rights were violated by our leaders. The Dems and Muslim In Chief have decided that a socialist utopian society trumps the constitution.

The Dems in congress decided that the will of the people is insignificant to the advancement of a communist agenda.

The Dems in congress decided that the policies and procedures that have been in place in congress for over 200 years are no longer good enough, if they block the way of the communist manifesto.

And, consequently, we are no longer a free people.

If congress can do this, they can do anything. Congress now has unlimited power to do whatever the hell it wants to the people of the .... People's Socialist Republic of Amerika.

It's time for a revolution. I never thought I'd be saying this. It's time to take down the government and replace it. It's time to line up all the politicians, try them for treason, then line them up and shoot them all. Congress.... the Administration ... and the Supreme Court.

Every one of them.

Perhaps I wouldn't feel so strongly about this if there were someplace else I could go.

Until now, we've lived in the most free nation in the world. Europe has gone socialist. China is communist. The middle east is totalitarian. Much of the rest of the world is either socialist, communist or has some form of totalitarian government. The US was a safe haven for people who loved freedom.

That's gone.

Why didn't Pelosi and Reid and Obama and all the other *bleep*ing socialist America haters move to Europe. That's the model they love, anyway. Or China. Many of them would be more comfortable there than here.

If find it odd that Dems in Washington are surprised, shocked at the threats against them after the health care vote.

Well, what the *(bleep)* did you THINK would happen, you *(bleep)*ing MORONS? You violate our rights. You take away our freedoms. You yank our constitution out from under us.

You think we're just going to sit back and let you shove it hard and deep without us saying anything?

Well, FU, you bastards.

*Note: This post is an expression of anger and frustration and should in no way be construed as a threat toward any person or institution. I know you are monitoring this blog, because we no longer have freedom of speech. So, if you want me, come and get me.

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