Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Patricia Ireland on O'Reilly

In case you missed it, Patricia Ireland made some laughable statements on Bill O'Reilly tonight.

The most surprising statement made by Pro-Abortion feminist Ireland is that she believes life begins at conception. Most Pro-Abortionists refuse to acknowledge this fact. She, of course, went on to say that the life and concerns of the mother (including simply whether or not she wants to have a baby) outweigh the rights of child. That's not how she worded it, of course, but that is, in essence, what she said.

She also went on to deny that any woman would ever have an abortion in order to be freed from motherhood and to be able to do things like go on dates and go to movies.

Clearly, this woman lives in a fantasy world. Her "reasoning" made absolutely no sense, yet she is one of the leading spokes-persons of the pro-abortion movement.

If you can find a video of this interview, it's worth watching.

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