Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sign Us All Up for THEIR Plan

Last week we learned that illegal aliens will not be eligible for any health care plan that Obama signs. A few days later, we learned that policy might actually be enforced. That means illegals will continue to show up at hospital emergency rooms for whatever little ailment they want treated and will get treatment. For free.

Oh, yes, there will be a charge. But the hospitals that provide this care know they won't get paid. ... if they could even find the patient after they've left.

I'm wondering if we should all have that plan. The Illegal Alien Plan.

It would certainly simplify things. No need for some expansive, expensive government program. No need for trillions of dollars spent on a bureaucracy. No need for the government to control what doctors do and which doctor you may or may not see. No need to limit expensive testing.

Let's all just show up at the emergency room, get the care we need (or want) and then go home. No bill, no fuss.

I'd be all for this plan. I think most of us would.

Of course, it's not just illegal aliens that get this kind of care. Most of the current uninsured can get this kind of care, too. Hospitals can't turn away someone who needs care, regardless of their ability to pay. That's part of the reason it costs so much for the rest of us. That and the CYA factor that requires both providers and health care facilities to run all sorts of tests and go to great lengths to make sure they don't get sued by some unhappy patient.

Yes, I think the plan will work. Just sign us all up.

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