Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh the Irony

By now, we've all had time to read and digest the stories coming out about the Global Warming hoax/conspiracy. Recently, NASA has joined the list of global warming research institutions that has conspired to hide real climate change data in hopes of keeping the theory of man-made global warming alive.

The more this scandal unfolds, the more I'm stunned at the scale of it. I'll admit that I was buying into the "climate change" theory (though not the part about it being man made and all America's fault) simply because I thought the data suggested that the climate was changing and that too many scientists were saying that this was the case. It never dawned on me that a conspiracy this big would be possible to pull off for this long.

This shouldn't be a matter of questioning science, but rather the subject of an international racketeering investigation that should encompass thousands of scientists and researchers, grant writers, scientific advisors and politicians, up to and including current heads of state and activists such as Al Gore. It would seem to me that if individuals in the investigation knew about or were manufacturing, manipulating or falsifying data that were being used to determine the laws and policies of nations and the international community, then those colluding would be guilty of something akin to crimes against humanity, or treason against their own nations.

Is this overstated? I don't think so. Entire economies would have been (and are being) drastically and fundamentally altered by suggestions made by these perpetrators, affecting the lives of billions of people far more profoundly than espionage; even as profoundly as terrorism and major wars.

What I find Ironic is that most of those perpetrating this hoax are extreme leftists who decry capitalism, and they have been using the global warming conspiracy to try to tear down corporations and entities who make money producing wealth that the rest of us may enjoy. It is the very creation of wealth that these people hate. And yet they have, by all appearances, perpetrated the myth of global warming . . . for money, greed and the pursuit of power and influence; the very things that they claim to hate.

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