Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Failed Argument For Nationalist-Socialist Health Care

Antonio Olivo of the Chicago Tribune tried to make the case for Obamacare by telling the tale of an illegal alien, Omar Castillo, 19, who is struggling to pay for medication.

Wrote Olivo: “As it is, Castillo received his transplant and a year of free medicine only as part of a hospital study at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, after a Latino activist campaign and a call from the governor’s office got him included. With the study over, his last free prescription is running out, and with it, his chances for a healthy life.”

Excuse me? He is breaking the law by living here and he got a free kidney transplant plus a year of medication?

What is his complaint?

It is not as if he were denied health care. In fact, he got it free.

In fact, this story is repeated thousands of times every year (every day) across America. My father works in the health care community. Most people who really need a test, a medication or a surgery of some time get their treatment, and if they can't afford it, they often get it for free.

Evil drug companies often supply free medications to those who cannot afford expensive medications, while others offer low cost generics. Evil Doctors, including highly skilled surgeons, often write off their fees for patients who cannot afford to pay their bill, and continue to see these patients. In fact, it is not uncommon for doctors to arrange a surgery or a course of treatment knowing ahead of time that they will not get paid for it.

What a terrible system we have. Maybe that's why all those illegal mexican aliens are scrambling across the border to get back into Mexico where things are so much better. Too bad we've secured the borders so tightly they'll never be able to get back.

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