Monday, August 17, 2009

Is the "Public Option" Really Off the Table?

The MainStreamMedia outlets are reporting that the White House is floating trial balloons indicating they might be willing to cave on the requirement of a Government-run health insurance program as a part of the proposed health care reform.

Color me skeptical.

Not that they won't make this a public issue. Obama now HAS to have health care reform. This is the turning point of his administration, and if he wants to hold onto power some kind of health care reform bill will have to pass. Obama also recognizes that passing a bill that most Americans, including many who voted for him, don't want, it will be the end of his career, politically.

There is no question that Obama is a socialist. That's not a racist or hateful statement. It's a statement of fact. And Obama and all of his socialist friends and acquaintances believe that this country must have a single-payor universal health care system.

Let's be clear about this:

- The Generational Theft Act (Stimulus Package) was mostly Democrat Pork and political payback.
- The Financial and Auto company bailouts were mostly what he believed he had to do to stabilize the economy.
- Cap and Trade was certainly a part of his socialist agenda, but as much as anything, a nod to the Democrats in congress and in the environmental movement. In other words, he was shoring up the base.

Based on Obama's speeches before the 2008 campaign, during the 2008 campaign and since then, clearly Universal Government-Run Single Payor Health Care is what Obama wants to be known for. NaziCare is Obama's legacy. He is not going to give it up this easily just because the American people don't want it. They clearly don't know what is good for them.

The trial balloons being floated about Health Insurance Co-ops are merely a political ploy. Whether he uses this to get "step one" of universal health care passed, or whether he uses this to move the political debate along, he's not giving up on Universal Single Payor Government-Run Health Care.

There are many things in the current health care proposals to be concerned about. But the biggest is that all of them are designed to lead us toward the Universal Single-Payor model. That's why we need to oppose ALL of the current forms of health care reform. Until a bill comes along that addresses the real problems in health care, including Tort Reform, Americans should be united. "Yes We Can" stop this Obamanation.

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