Sunday, August 30, 2009

How To Destroy America

(Inspired by a video I saw a while back.)

If I were a terrorist and I wanted to destroy the American way of life, I wouldn't use planes and bombs to kill folks. Using such tactics is risky. You could get caught or killed. Or both.

Besides, those tactics don't really work. Yes, you can kill a few people that way, but it doesn't really destroy America. It actually strengthens America and the resolve of her people. Bombs and murder don't change people's minds.

No, flying planes into buildings and bombing public places isn't very effective.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd start by outsourcing the jobs. Move those good factory jobs and information jobs to foreign countries.

If I were going to destroy America, I would take over the banks. I'd loan money to people who can't afford to pay back the loans and then foreclose on their home, leaving them homeless and financially devastated.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd take control of the whole education system. I'd cut back on teaching basic things like math and reading and geography, and replace it with teaching a secular humanist world view that conflicts with the views of the founding fathers. I'd replace all the teachers who understand history and business and science and replace them with people who want to teach value systems and who want to re-write history into something other than what it is. I'd remove any reference to Christianity and to the Christian heritage of America and replace it with the idea that our founding fathers were agnostics and deists whose idea of God was that he was distant and unknowable and had nothing to do with government. I'd teach people that the founding fathers were afraid of religion and wanted to erase religion from public life.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd take over the nation's health care system. I'd create a huge bureaucracy and make the system expensive and inefficient. I'd compromise the quality of the nation's health so people would be distracted and not realize what was going on around them.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of Life, I'd take over the media. I'd make the media complicit in my plan. I'd have them tell everyone that I was right and that any opposition to me was borne out of hate, racism and ignorance. I'd have the media portray my detractors as uneducated and unpopular, making mistakes with everything that comes out of their mouths. I'd tell lies; really big lies, and have the media report those lies as truth, so that the people would only believe the things that I wanted them to believe.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd raise taxes. I'd tax people so that they couldn't enjoy the fruits of their labors. I'd tax those who were successful the most. I'd take away any incentive to be profitable, or to innovate or to improve their way of life. Then, I'd take those tax dollars and pay off those who were working for the same agenda as me. I'd sit back in luxury and watch those Americans fight over the crumbs.

If I wanted to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd ask Americans to turn in their friends and neighbors. I'd tell them to report to me what was being said about me and my agenda. Then, I'd twist those things around to make myself look good, while at the same time keeping a list of those people who were trying to oppose me. I'd find ways to quiet those people.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd run up the nation's debt as high as I could. I would devalue the American currency and increase inflation by borrowing money from other nations and making sure that Americans couldn't afford to pay back those loans.

If I were going to destroy America, I would devalue human life. I'd call infanticide freedom of choice. I would tell the elderly and terminally ill that they have no more contributions to make society and that they may as well take a pill and die. I'd elevate animals to be equal to humans by giving them rights and insisting that people treat them the same as humans.

If I were going to destroy America, I would tear down the traditional nuclear family. I'd make single parenthood easy with government programs and welfare, ensuring generations of people raised in poverty and crime, dependent on the government. I'd promote single parenthood as virtuous. I'd promote a homosexual lifestyle as another choice and make homosexual marriage the same as traditional marriages.

If I were going to destroy America and the American way of life, I'd make everything a crisis. I'd make sure that everyone was scared by everything that was going on and convince them that only I was capable of fixing those things. I'd make sure that I blamed crisis after crisis on others, particularly on those who were trying to defend America and traditional American values and principles. I'd demonize those who disagree with me and make them responsible for everything bad that has happened. I'd cast myself as the nation's savior and promise hope for the future.

But I'm thankful that I live in the United States of America. And I thank God that we have people that represent us and who value America. We have representatives whose job it is to protect America and the Constitution above all else, and those people who represent us would never let those who want to destroy America get away with it.

Would they?

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